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Mobile product design
Visual design
Interaction design
June – Dec 2020


Cash App
‘Setup’ should (ideally) be short and sweet to bring the app to life, but onboarding should happen progressively over time.
Core workflows
An area of opportunity in all MIMO apps is upleveling insights (visualizations) + data drill down.
Personalization for payments isn’t about fluff. It’s about data-backed insights, smart money suggestions, and helping users grow their business.
In-app Business Model
Almost all of our direct competitors make money per transaction or from  interest on money held in customers’ accounts.
Companies position themselves on the web broadly as solutions for business, but in the app store they position themselves as simple and functional.
A consistent, cohesive look and tone keeps the customer engaged with the brand narrative while building trust

7 card sort exercises

We invited 7 diverse small business owners from our target audience to conduct a card sorting exercise with the goal of understanding what features and capabilities they needed to run their business. We also asked them to group and prioritize those features by assigning coins.

4 concepts

Early starts don’t yet know how to measure success of their business
HMW provide Early Starts with a structure to think about how well they are doing as a business — a way to think about their progress
Early starts describe success through “impact”, and“flexibility” in their life
HMW encourage our users with design that resonates with their version of success?
Early starts think their operations and finances using in weeks or months
Insights upleveled to customers should be flexible and accommodate the time horizon that the Early Start uses to think about their business.
Understanding money in vs. money out is most needed information
In order to get a “snapshot” of your business, MIMO is the most important information to showcase.
We have conviction Early Starts primary care about when money is actually moved as opposed to more complex tracking.
Something’s missing — it’s in the delight, emotion, story.


I’m hungry for control and knowing what’s happening with my business.  If I sent someone a request, I want to know they’ve seen it when they’ve seen it.  Notifications are the pulse on my business. Headlines are an emotional, interactive element to elevate this most important information.


Test test test
I finally had a project where testing into the problem and throughout solving it was key, and where time was a luxury granted. I realized this step cannot be skipped again.
The user will tell you what they know, you have to find the rest
Though we had designed exactly what the customer told us they needed and wanted, there was no delight in that experience. We needed to better lean on our design expertise and storytelling craft to uplift the experience.


Refine and iterate
The final design requires futher interation and continued validation. I’ve moved on to other parts of the experience, but the team will take this forward to achieve the best possible home experience.
We’ll launch with a version of the alpha experience and continue to learn, but this “ideal” experience will be implemented as a V2 update following the visual language.